onsdag 22 oktober 2008

Krank in Deutschland

I skipped classes today, as I'm feeling a little bit ill and want to get well before the big student party tomorrow (timing, hell yeah). Last evening I played some Volleyball with a German dorm mate, and that was great fun. I totally ruined my health and knees, but it was worth it. 

Right now there's not really much that goes on, just boring grammar and history lessons about Freiburg. Though I'm waiting for an another mail from my tandempartner, so we can start hang out. That will be interesting. *a tandempartner is someone who's e.g. from Germany and speaks Swedish and wants to keep it updated*

Tonight I'll by extreme masses of chocolate and pizza, I need to comfort eat in the rain. 
Tomorrow I'll refill my Waschkarte *washing card* and then fix my new cellphone that of course doesn't work at all. 

Next week I get a visit here from my sister, I hope she brings some sausage stroganoff and chocolate things. 

Last saturday I was in France, strasbourg *though it's half German* and that was great fun. The only bad thing was that I never met any girl who could teach me french kissing....

That's all for this time, tschüss! 

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vad blir det för tandempartner? Jag hoppas på en medelålders man med ölmage :P

Anonym sa...

Det var en tjej pü 21 som var südär söt som bara perfekt choklad kan vara. En som man bara vill stü o krama en hel dag med. Eller nüt... hon var trevlig iaf =P