onsdag 22 oktober 2008

Krank in Deutschland

I skipped classes today, as I'm feeling a little bit ill and want to get well before the big student party tomorrow (timing, hell yeah). Last evening I played some Volleyball with a German dorm mate, and that was great fun. I totally ruined my health and knees, but it was worth it. 

Right now there's not really much that goes on, just boring grammar and history lessons about Freiburg. Though I'm waiting for an another mail from my tandempartner, so we can start hang out. That will be interesting. *a tandempartner is someone who's e.g. from Germany and speaks Swedish and wants to keep it updated*

Tonight I'll by extreme masses of chocolate and pizza, I need to comfort eat in the rain. 
Tomorrow I'll refill my Waschkarte *washing card* and then fix my new cellphone that of course doesn't work at all. 

Next week I get a visit here from my sister, I hope she brings some sausage stroganoff and chocolate things. 

Last saturday I was in France, strasbourg *though it's half German* and that was great fun. The only bad thing was that I never met any girl who could teach me french kissing....

That's all for this time, tschüss! 

fredag 3 oktober 2008


Hi! Time for a little update here..

About a month ago I was stranded in a little small town (with a size slightly larger then Uppsala) in southern Germany known as Freiburg. After living the first night in a room with 3 other snarwling basterds I'll likely never hear from again I got my own little room in southern Freiburg, in the Vauban area. The area is known to be a place for families with small children and you can see playgrounds just about everywhere, especially on the way to the cage (the fotball place in Vauban) or on the way to the mountain/hill in the area where you can belive in some foolness that you are actually seeing France in the horizon. However, it all looks the same, the trees does not turn from a saucage shape to a cheeze shape or whatever. The view there is just awesome and walking up gives you some 3 hours of nice walking.

As said, Freiburg is slightly larger then Uppsala with their 210 000 inhabitants and most of the time when not home is spent around the Bertoldsbrunnen area (compareable to Stora Torget in Uppsala) where everything is connected in a pleasent mess. It's also there you can see most of the trams and sometimes even the magical number two going a new way at random occasions. Freiburg is not much of a party town, they have some clubs where it's pretty much People over it. But they do have Kagen with their odd shoe rules. It's okay there except it's located on the 18 floor wich is just 17 floors too much in my mind.

There are some cultural differences between Sweden and Germany and even though most are small there are some worth mentioning;
You can't find any chips except paprika flavoured ones
In every grocery store you can buy any alcohole to bargain prices and in wanted quantities
Something pleasent to do is to ask someone something that you really don't need to ask about but you still do cause it makes the person you ask so freakin' happy.
The time schedule for busses and trains are holy, they can't be anything but on time
German commercials sucks even more then Swedish ones and watching good movies with German speaking ruins everything.

I read my German class with 15 other ones from all over the country (and one from Finland). They are all weird and nice and you can't dislike singing Froh zu sein with them. Other people I hang out with are my dorm mates, four Germans and one American. It's awesome to speak English with her cause the Germans only speak German and I don't like speaking it in their speed. One of the Germans had read Norwegian though and I could talk Swedish to her.

The things I do there, except running to the grocery store twice a day is to lay on my bed and waste time, go long walks in dark places at nights, play soccer with the Swedes + random Zlatans, trying to charm myself to people's computers, go to school and sleep, sing German songs, taking a beer or two on fridays and saturdays and nothing really special really. The only special thing was a visit to Basel in Swiss. That was an awesome day walking around in the odd backstreets, searching ice cream, laugh at depressed and waitresses with odd make up, and go to some modern art museum. And to tape the second version of Sound of music.

My dorm is nothing special, six rooms, 2 bathrooms, one living room and a kitchen. The kitchen is pretty clean compared to others but everytime I invite someone it's a mess. My room is even more of a mess but that is caused by myself (except those 20 wine bottles on the floor maybe). I have a bed with a window on the ceiling, giving me the oppertunity to see the stars from my bed on nights. I have a table with a small TV on, two chairs, one desk and a wardrobe. I also have a floor that I want to vacuum clean every second day. My normal food is rice with either some kind of saucage or fish sticks. Once I had potatoes wich was luxury. And one day I made myself cinnamon buns that disappeared pretty quick.

Now I don't know what to write more, ask if you want more information. Tschüssis! xD ^^ :)